AP* Retreat Meeting, 2001.02.25

Time: 25 February 2001, 0830-1730
Place: Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur

Draft Agenda
1. Roll Call
2. Agenda Update
3. Report of AP* organization
MINC Sec: YJ Park
APTLD Sec: Chen Wen -Sung
APDN Sec: Prof.Kilnam Chon
APIA /ANR Sec;Hirofumi Hotta
APNG Sec: Shigeki Goto
APBIONET Sec: Shoba Ranganathan
APNIC Sec: Paul Wilson
INFITII Sec: Subramaanianm.D
NCC (Non-Commercial Constituency) YJ Park
Interim ccTLD-sec: Dr.Kanchana
4. Report of AP* secretariat meeting report
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee Break
5. Outreach and Awareness (Byuingkuy Kim)
(Need in-depth discussion this time to come up with action items)
6. ICANN participation including the elections
(Board, DNSO, ASO, PSO), secretariat
7. APDN (Commercial, Non-Commercial, Registrar)
8. Network Technology/Engineering Workshop (of ISOC)
(AIT  proposal by  Dr.Kanchana)
12:30 – 13:30pm Lunch Break
9.  New gTLDs  including. asia
10. ICANN-Asia
a. icann at-large memberships  and local internet community
At-large member status in each country in asia
Coordination in asia
Coordination with other region
b. icann secretariat branch in asia
11. Asian initiative on new gTLDs in 2001 and beyond
 15:30 –15:45pm Coffee breack
12. Funding
13. Next generation of AP*
. Re-visit
14. Future of apricot
15. ISOC chapter coordination in asia

draft minute

AP* Retreat Coordinator
Last Updated:2001.1.16