

Founding Members
Organization Name Chair / Former Chair / Director
Asian Internet Interconnection Initiatives (AI3) Suguru Yamaguchi / Jun Murai
Asia Pacific Advanced Network Consortium(APAN) Kilnam Chon / Shigeki goto
Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet) Shoba Ranganathan/Tan TinWee
Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association (APTLD) Ramesh Kumar Nadarajah
Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA) Philip Smith
Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG) Tommy Mutsumoto / Xing Li
APNIC Maemura Akinori / Paul Wilson
AP* Retreat Kanchana Kanchanasut / Pensri A.
Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies (APRICOT) Philip Smith
International Forum Information Technology and Tamil (INFITT) S Maniam
MINC S Subbiah/Tan Tin Wee
Others Bill Manning (ISI)
David Conrad (Ex-APNIC)
Jin ho Hur (Ex-APIA) Toru Takahashi
General Members
Organization Name Chair / Former Chair / Director
Clarification and Formalization of Membership
Category 1
Asia Pacific Organizations
Key leaders of these organizations are regular participants of the AP* Retreat as permanent members of AP*. All permanent members have a standing invitation to the AP* Retreat.
1.1. Formal List of AP* Members:
   APNG - Asia Pacific Networking Group www.apng.asia
   APIA - Asia & Pacific Internet Association www.apia.org
   APNIC - Asia Pacific Network Information Center www.apnic.net
   APAN - Asia Pacific Advanced Network www.apan.net
   APBioNet - Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network www.apbionet.org
   APDN - Asia Pacific Domain Name forum www.apdn.org
   APRICOT - Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies www.apricot.net
   APTLD - Asia Pacific Top Level Domain forum www.aptld.org
   AI3 - Asia Internet Interconnection Initiative www.ai3.net
   AP - JS Asia Pacific Joint Secretariat www.jtsec.org
   APDIP - Asia Pacific Development Information Program www.apdip.net
1.2. Invitation List
   APOPS - Asia Pacific Operations Forum www.apops@lists.apnic.net
   APAMI - Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics www.apami.org
1.3. Dormant List
   APPLe - Asia Pacific Policy and Legal Forum www.apple.org
   AP* next generation ?  
1.4. Nascent List
   APCERT http://www.apcert.org/
Category 2
International Organizations related to or affiliated to Category 1 members Key leaders of these organizations are invited to participate in AP* activities in their liaison role with AP*.
   INFITT - International Forum for IT in Tamil www.infitt.org
   IDRC - PAN Asia Networking / IDRC www.panasia.org.sg
   MINC - Multilingual Internet Names Consortium www.minc.org
From time to time, observers are invited to AP* Retreat Meetings.
Category 1
Should not be designated the Secretariat Official Standing Invitation should be sent to all category 1 members
Category 2
Invitation to be sent out regularly From time to time, new Asia Pacific Internet or related organizations will be invited to join and participate.
AP*'s Comprehensive Range of Primary Sphere of Activities
   Industry, e-Business and e-Commerce APIA
   Legal and Policy, Governance and Management APPLe
   Research and Academic, Founder status APNG, APAN, AI3
   Advanced Networking APAN, AI3
   Internet Domain Names APTLD, APDN, MINC
   Internet Numbers APNIC
   Developing Countries APDIP, PAN/ IDRC
   Conference, Education and Training APRICOT
   Operations APOPS
   Security APSIRC
   Administration and Coordination AP Joint Secretariat, AP* Retreat Secretariat
   Language-specific (APBioNet) .
   Discipline-specific Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics

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