AP* Retreat in Taipei

AP* Retreat Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan
February 22- 23, 2003
Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel
(Meeting Room "Magpie"
same as APNG Camp)

Chaired by Tommy Matsumoto and Vincent W.S. Chen


Draft Agenda

Registration fee: USD 100

Feb. 22

1.Opening and Agenda Bashing by Tommy & Vincent

2. AP* Organization Activity Report

APNG (Prof. Xing Li)
APAN (Prof. Kilnam Chon)
APNIC (Paul Wilson)
AI3 (Sugure Yamaguchi)
APIA (Kyoko Day)
APOPS/APRICOT (Philip Smith)
APTLD (Ian Chiang)
APCAUCE/APNetabuse (Jeonghye Choi)
APJoint sec (Pensri A.)

3. AP* SEC issues ( Pensri.A)
APjtsec funding, collective collaboration mechanisms

12:00-13:30 Lunch

3rd APNG camp report (by APNG camp chair)

5. APNG future (by Prof. Xing Li)

14:30-15:00 Break

6. AP Internet training/Education
(1) AIT Internet training center (Dr. Kanchana)
(2) School of Internet (Wide Project)
(3) E-Learning project (N.S. Chen)

15:30- 16:30
7. Broadband Issues ( Prof. Kilnam Chon)
1) Broadband development in AP
(2) Broadband services/deployment
(3) Broadband access/applications
(4) Broadband cultural/social issues

18:30-20:30 Dinner
(TWNIC will host a dinner for AP* Retreat. Please meet at lobby at 18:30)

Feb. 23


Internet Security (Suguru Yamaguchi)

(1) AP Security organizations
(2) AP Security efforts/projects
(3) AP security issues

10:30-11:00 Break

1.25 Worm Incident

12:00-13:30 Lunch

AP Net Abuse Workshop during AP* Retreat (22-23 Feb 2003)

0. Logistics

Date : 23 February 2003, 13:30-18:30
Venue : Grand Hyatt Hotel, (Meeting room "Magpie"same as APNG Camp), Taipei, Taiwan
Homepage : http://www.apstar.org
Contact : Ms. Jeonghye Choi (jhchoi@iak.ne.kr)

1. Program (*: video conferencing)

13:30-15:00 Session 1. Introduction
Chair: Yuan J. Pai (TWNIC/TW)

Former Net Abuse Meeting Report: Jeonghye Choi (IAK/KR)
Keynote Speech 1: Suresh Ramasubramanian (Outblaze/IN)
Keynote Speech 2: Troy Rollo (CAUBE.AU/AU) *

15:00-15:30 Break

Session 2. Updates: Law, Policy, Service and Technology
Chair: Kyoko Day (APIA)

China: Huang Chengqing/Qian Hualin (ISC)
Japan: Toru Tahahashi (IAJapan)
Korea: Dalcheon Kang (KISA)
Philippines: Horacio T. Cadiz (PHNET) *
Singapore: LIM Choon Sai (SGNIC)
Taiwan: Yuan J. Pai (TWNIC)
Thailand: Abhisak Chulya (IAT, ccTLD)
Sweden/Euro: Patrik Faltstrom (CISCO) *
"Online Stamp": Yonnie Kim (Daum/Korea)

Session 3. Open discussion & Next steps
Chair: Kilnam Chon(KAIST/KR)

19:00-20:30 Discussion over Dinner (welcome contribution for dinner)
